What We Make

Pollen and bee bread
Pollen is considered one of the best nutritional and therapeutic supplements, because it contains many elements such as minerals, vitamins and amino acids. It is a rich source of energy, protein and low calories.
while bee bread is the pollen material after storing it in the hexagonal eyes where enzymes are added from bees’ salivary glands.
These enzymes, contribute to the increment of the natural values and benefits to the pollen and bee bread which include:
- Increase body immunity.
- Cleansing the body of toxins.
- Improving muscle strength especially for athletes.
- Nourish the skin from the inside out.
- Improving sexual performance.
- Disrupt the growth of cancer cells.
- Improving the digestive system.

A natural resinous mixture produced by honeybees from substances collected from parts of plants. It contributes to raising the body’s immunity and improving its health, has its anti-inflammatory properties, fighting cancer, improving fertility, improving memory, and a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

Wax creams
Creams made from natural beeswax, virgin olive oil and many other natural materials that contribute to solving skin and skin problems such as dryness, eczema, chapped lips, skin ulcers and acne.

Queens of bees
We are very selective of the queens breeds and our technique is based on modern scientific methods, which are characterized by their good breed, high production, quiet and low unwanted traits; Which raises the productivity of beekeepers, reduces the costs of caring for the hive and increases its profits, as well as contributes to maintaining and increasing the number of bee colonies.

he first thing that was known about bees is honey, as bees produce it from the flowers nectar and store it in their wax discs.
Many processes are carried out on it, such as mitigating moisture, secreting enzymes, and converting sugars from complex to simple.
The production of honey still occupies the greatest priority of beekeepers despite recent studies on the benefits of other bees’ productions.
Honey is a sweet-tasting substance rich in simple sugars, yeasts, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, and has a unique nutrition and therapeutic properties. In addition; The color, taste and composition of honey relies on the floral source from which bees collect nectar.

Royal Jelly
It is a gelatinous substance of yellowish white color that is secreted by young bees from glands in their head. It is the main food for the queen and it’s very rich in amino acids and its ability to raise fertility and immunity and produce collagen to fight aging and improve the capabilities of the nervous system.

Honey with nuts
An integrated food rich in minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates to provide the body with energy and vitality, and improve the various vital functions of the body.

Parcels and hives
At Al- Andalus apiaries, we produce hives and bees’ parcels, which provide many advantages such as saving the health of bees’ workers, their high immunity, and their distinctive breed, calmness and fertility that produce high honey quality.